
Cisco 2500 Memory Products Update

Product Bulletin #310


This product bulletin is a follow on to product bulletins 290 and 291, and covers additional Cisco 2500 memory product information, including:

DRAM Products

As described in product bulletins 290 and 291, Cisco is now bundling the minimum required DRAM with IOS feature sets ordered with new systems. Because of recent changes in the availability of certain memory parts, Cisco is changing the underlying components that make up the base level DRAM supporting certain feature sets. These changes are being phased in, beginning now on models 2505 through 2515, and in late February 1995 on models 2501 through 2504. It is important to note that this change only modifies the way in which we implement the base level DRAM. It does not change how much DRAM is ultimately included with a feature set. That will still be as described in product bulletins 290 and 291.

DRAM memory can consist of individual components soldered on board or SIMM modules inserted in a single SIMM socket. Historically, 2-MB of DRAM was soldered on board and a single 2-MB, 4-MB, or 16-MB DRAM SIMM was inserted into the socket, depending on feature set and options ordered. In the future, the base memory will be implemented differently depending on feature set ordered.

The following table illustrates the changes:

IOS Release 10.2(2)                   Old Physical       New Physical
Feature Set            Base DRAM      Configuration      Configuration
EN                     6-MB           2-MB soldered,     2-MB soldered,
                                      4-MB SIMM          4-MB SIMM

DT + IBM Base 4-MB 2-MB soldered, 4-MB SIMM 2-MB SIMM

DT 4-MB 2-MB soldered, 4-MB SIMM 2-MB SIMM

IP/IPX + IBM Base 4-MB 2-MB soldered, 4-MB SIMM 2-MB SIMM

IP/IPX 4-MB 2-MB soldered, 4-MB SIMM 2-MB SIMM

IP + IBM Base 2-MB 2-MB soldered 2-MB soldered

IP 2-MB 2-MB soldered 2-MB soldered

2501/2CF CFRAD 2-MB 2-MB soldered 2-MB soldered

2503/4I ISDN 2-MB 2-MB soldered 2-MB soldered ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cisco is releasing a new 8-MB DRAM option for increased configuration flexibility. We are also changing the Cisco 2500 DRAM options product names to be consistent with how Flash products are named. The net result of these changes should be more simplified ordering and increased flexibility. The following table lists the old and new DRAM products:

Old Product Number    New Product Number     New Product Number Description
MEM-4MB(=)            MEM-1X2D(=)*           Optional 2-MB DRAM SIMM*
MEM-6M                MEM-1X4D(=)            Optional 4-MB DRAM SIMM
N/A                   MEM-1X8D(=)            Optional 8-MB DRAM SIMM
MEM-18M               MEM-1X16D(=)           Optional 16-MB DRAM SIMM
* Available for models 2501 through 2504 only.

The new product names specify the actual memory module ordered rather than how much total memory is ultimately in the system. This is consistent with the way Flash SIMM modules are named, and is more flexible for the future. The same physical devices are used for the new products as were used for the old (e.g., the same 4 MB DRAM SIMM is used for MEM-1X4F and MEM-6M). We are simply using more generic names that are consistent with the Flash naming scheme. The new products are orderable December 14, 1994. System orders for the old products will automatically be adjusted where appropriate.

The following tables summarize the standard and optional Flash and DRAM memory by IOS feature set:

IOS Release 10.2(2)      Standard    Optional          Total
Feature Set              DRAM        DRAM Products     DRAM
EN                       6-MB        MEM-1X8D(=)       6, 10, 18-MB

DT and IBM Base 4-MB MEM-1X8D(=) 4, 8, 16-MB MEM-1X16D(=)

DT 4-MB MEM-1X8D(=) 4, 8, 16-MB MEM-1X16D(=)

IP/IPX and IBM Base 4-MB MEM-1X8D(=) 4, 8, 16-MB MEM-1X16D(=)

IP/IPX 4-MB MEM-1X8D(=) 4, 8, 16-MB MEM-1X16D(=)

IP and IBM Base 2-MB MEM-1X2D(=)* 2, 4, 6, 10, 18-MB MEM-1X4D(=) MEM-1X8D(=) MEM-1X16D(=)

IP 2-MB MEM-1X2D(=)* 2, 4, 6, 10, 18-MB MEM-1X4D(=) MEM-1X8D(=) MEM-1X16D(=)

2503/4I ISDN 2-MB MEM-1X2D(=)* 2, 4, 6, 10, 18-MB MEM-1X4D(=) MEM-1X8D(=) MEM-1X16D(=)

2501/2CF CFRAD 2-MB MEM-1X2D(=)* 2, 4, 6, 10, 18-MB MEM-1X4D(=) MEM-1X8D(=) MEM-1X16D(=) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Available for models 2501 through 2504 only.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IOS Release 10.2(2) Standard Optional Maximum Feature Set Flash Flash Products Total Flash =========================================================================== EN 4 or 8-MB* MEM-1X4F(=) 4, 8, 16-MB MEM-1X8F(=)

DT and IBM Base 4-MB MEM-1X4F(=) 4, 8, 16-MB MEM-1X8F(=)

DT 4-MB MEM-1X4F(=) 4, 8, 16-MB MEM-1X8F(=)

IP/IPX and IBM Base 4-MB MEM-1X4F(=) 4, 8, 16-MB MEM-1X8F(=)

IP/IPX 4-MB MEM-1X4F(=) 4, 8, 16-MB MEM-1X8F(=)

IP and IBM Base 4-MB MEM-1X4F(=) 4, 8, 16-MB MEM-1X8F(=)

IP 4-MB MEM-1X4F(=) 4, 8, 16-MB MEM-1X8F(=)

2503/4I ISDN 4-MB MEM-1X4F(=) 4, 8, 16-MB MEM-1X8F(=)

2501/2CF CFRAD 4-MB** MEM-1X4F(=) 4, 8, 16-MB MEM-1X8F(=) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * IOS Release 10.2 and later Enterprise feature set requires (and comes bundled with) 8-MB Flash. Release 10.0 and earlier requires 4-MB Flash.

** The Cisco 2501/2CF products were originally released with 2-MB Flash standard. To provide investment protection, Cisco is immediately upgrading the base Flash configuration to 4-MB. Orders in the backlog will be adjusted, and field units will be upgraded at no charge to the customer.

Pricing and Availability

The new memory products are available for ordering on December 14. 1994. Specific pricelists will be included in the hard copy mailing of the product bulletin in the next priority pack mailing. The new product names are priced the same as the old, and the new 8-MB DRAM SIMM is priced between the 4-MB SIMM and 16-MB SIMM.

Alternative Cisco 2500 Memory Sources

To further reduce memory cost, Cisco allows customers to obtain memory on their own from whatever source they choose, provided they use Cisco approved devices. The following devices are supported:

Cisco Memory Product    Approved Manufacturer    Manufacturer's Part Number
MEM-1X2D(=)             Smart Module             SM536512W-8

MEM-1X4D(=) NEC MC421000A36BE-70 Micron MT9D136M-7 Mitsubishi MH1M36BNDJ-7 Hyundai HYM536100AM-70 Samsung KMM5361003C-70 Oki MSC23136B-70BS12

MEM-1X8D(=) Smart Module SM536C2000-7

MEM-1X16D(=) Mitsubishi MH4M36ANXJ-7 Samsung KMM5364100A-70 NEC MC-424000A36BE-70 Hyundai HYM536410M-70 Hitachi HB56D436SBR-7AGS

MEM-1X4F(=) Smart Module SM732C1000B-12

MEM-1X8F(=) Smart Module SM732C2000B-10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Questions and Answers

Q: What Cisco 2500 models get the new DRAM options?

A: The new DRAM options are available for any Cisco 2500 model.

Q: What Cisco 2500 models get the new base memory board (that contains no soldered on memory and one 4-MB DRAM SIMM)?

A: Ultimately, any model with a 4-MB base feature set (currently IP/IPX, IP/IPX & IBM Base, DT, and DT & IBM Base) will get the new base memory board. Initially, this only applies to models 2505 through 2515. In late February 1995, models 2501 through 2504 will begin shipping with this DRAM configuration.

Q: What will happen to existing orders for old DRAM options?

A: All system orders will have a new part number expanded which corresponds to the base board in the system. However, this happens as part of the order expansion and verification process and will not effect the customer ordering process. Since the DRAM option price remains effectively unchanged, most orders for the old DRAM options won't be changed. Once they are exhausted, the old memory products will be obsoleted. However, orders for IP/IPX, IP/IPX & IBM Base, DT, and DT & IBM Base that also include the optional MEM-6M and MEM-18M will be modified. Cisco will substitute MEM-1X8D for MEM-6M at no additional charge, and will substitute MEM-1X16D for MEM-18M.

Posted: Dec 16 11:13:48 1994
Copyright 1996 © Cisco Systems Inc.